Action Nan: The Fal River walk

Picture of boats moored on the Fal River with rolling hills and trees in the background.

Every September keen walkers can take part in the Fal River Walk, a charity walk organised by the Truro Boscawen Rotary Club in aid of the Merlin MS Centre at Hewaswater, just along the road from Bosinver.

There are 2 walks available, a 6 mile from St Mawes back to Trelissick or a 15 mile one around the Fal Estuary, taking in some of the most spectacular water views in Cornwall – made possible with special ferries provided by Fal River Cornwall links – a once a year chance to make the whole circuit.

Last year I walked the 15 mile route and enjoyed it so much so I signed up with 3 friends and my 9-year-old grandson Wilfred to walk it again in 2016. As always I used my Nordic walking poles and was pleased to hook up with Kelly and members of my Walk Kernow Nordic Walking group ( This time we did the route anti-clockwise via Feock, Ferry to Restronguet on to, Mylor Bridge and harbour, Flushing, ferry to St Mawes, on to St Just in Roseland, Turnaware and ferry back to Trelissick.

The weather was lovely and sunny, there were plenty of cafes and toilets en route and the terrain not difficult, mostly on peaceful footpaths. A certificate and a bumper cream tea and cake feast awaited us at the finish and I was so proud of Wilfred who easily kept up with us and did not complain once. He was rewarded by the ferryman who let him helm the last ferry, much to his delight. Apparently he is the youngest ever walker to complete the 15 mile route, quite an achievement!

Click here for a map of the walk

Trelissick House

Special ferry for the Fal River Walk 2016

St Mawes Castle








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