Bosinver 20th anniversary photo competition – and the winners are…!

Left - Young girl riding a brown pony with Nanny Pat. Right - White horse and rider show jumping over orange stocks

Thank you so much for all your lovely entries to our recent Bosinver20 photo competition. Dave and I have really enjoyed seeing your photos and reading about the special place that Bosinver has become to many of you who have visited multiple times over the years.

Amazingly some families even go far back past the 20 years at Bosinver to holidays taken at our previous home near Lanyhdrock, Treffry Farm – all of which make us realise exactly how long we have been involved in the tourism business here in Cornwall, a county we are so proud of and so lucky to call our home.

Alun and Rachel Williams win the runner up £100 prize for their then and now photos of four generations at Bosinver. Top of page: Caroline Taylor overall £150 prize for her then and now photos of daughter Rachel on her first pony ride at Bosinver which has led to a lifelong love of horses and competition in riding events

We know how fortunate we were to have been able to raise our children here to experience the essence of a carefree childhood – with space to roam, contact with animals, freedom to explore the countryside, the ability to make sandcastles and splash into the sea and to discover and cherish the nature all around them – without continuous adult supervision.

Photo by Claire Noble

Our mission has been to give families staying at Bosinver a chance to recreate this – a place where they can let their children play as they used to in their own childhoods, before work commitments necessitated them living in city environments with fewer opportunities for free play in green spaces.

Photo by Lyse Edwards

 The comments and photos we have received have truly gladdened out hearts! We have seen children covered in mud, climbing trees, wandering off to play on their own and making new friends (and as a result giving Mum and Dad some much needed wine time!).

Photo by Jodie Quinlan
Photo by Jodie Quinlan
Photo by Milli RaizAda

We have seen people coming to get together for special anniversaries and birthdays, families who live far apart bringing 3 generations to share time together and Dads, who often miss out due to the daily commute, cherishing the time to switch off from the weekend drill of lawn mowing, shopping and DIY to chill and relax, talking and sharing precious moments with their children.

Photos by Julie Jamieson Till
Photo by Jennie Harding
Photo by Jennie Harding

We often say that our aim is to create childhood memories here at Bosinver and judging from your wonderful photos and comments we can proudly rest assured that we have accomplished it.

Photo by Alison Walsh
Photo by Jo Skinner
Photo by Jo Skinner

Nevertheless, you know us – we will not be resting on our laurels! There is always the next stone to turn over, the adventure that is always around the corner and our continual desire to be inventive, making Bosinver not just a holiday venue, but a special place in your hearts as well as ours. Here’s to the next 20 years!

Photo by Clare Fry

And the winners are:

Caroline Taylor overall £150 prize for her then and now photos of daughter Rachel on her first pony ride at Bosinver which has led to a lifelong love of horses and competition in riding events 

Alun and Rachel Williams runner up £100 prize for their then and now photos of four generations at Bosinver.   

And the £50 prize winners are: Jo Skinner, Clare Fry, Julia Jameson-Till, Lyse Edwards, Jennie Harding, Alison Walsh, Jodie Quinlan, Milli RaizAda and Clare Noble whose photos and stories we will be featuring on our facebook page in the coming days. 

Many thanks again to everyone who entered!

With love and best wishes from Pat and Dave and all at Bosinver 

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