‘We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing’ – George Bernard Shaw
I was recently asked to share three motivational messages based on a favourite quotation for Naomi Kennedy’s early show on BBC Radio Cornwall. I chose this one which I adore and have emblazoned across my office wall as a daily inspiration for myself my staff and guests. My three messages were aimed at my fellow grandparents to encourage them to value and make the most of their role in the family. This one is particularly relevant at this time of year when children are getting excited about Christmas and most adults are frantically busying themselves with Christmas preparations.

My motivational message is to spend as much time as possible with your grandchildren. Although you may not be able to race them down the football field, don’t stop trying and joining in their games – that’s how you stay part of their family circle. Don’t forget those of us over a certain age would be highly valued in the tribe for our wisdom and experience so make sure you share your family stories, old wives tales, proverbs even and what life was like in the ‘good old days’ when you were growing up.
We oldies have a bit more time on our hands so why not step in and give frazzled Mums and Dads a break while you whisk the grandchildren off on magical adventures, it will keep you fit! So my advice is to clear your desk, put the hoover away, switch off your mobile phone and make a date with them today. Even if it’s raining, dig out the board games or make some biscuits, both of you will love spending time together and making magical memories ……..