Photo competition time: share your #bosinvermoments with us

A blonde boy in jeans rides a zip wire

We love it when our guests take the time to share with us photos of themselves enjoying their precious family time at Bosinver or the places they have been during their stay, so we thought it was about time we held a photographic competition. Over the next couple of weeks we will be asking you to share your #bosinvermoments for the chance to win money off your next holiday at Bosinver!

We have several categories of photo and there is no limit on how many photos you can enter, giving you multiple chances to bag the prizes – so start dusting off your ‘Bosinver photo albums’ and get ready to share your pics! Here are some of the lovely photos we received last time we held a photo competition (with the theme “I love Bosinver because…”) –  but this time its not just about the kids enjoying themselves, we’d love to see photos of Mums and Dads relaxing too, or Grandma or Grandpa celebrating a birthday – or even your favourite Bosinver hideaway!

We have a number of categories which we will be announcing on Facebook every day over the next couple of weeks. Our first category is Wild Kids!! So if you have captured any moments from out and about in the woods, toasting marshmallows around the campfire, or searching for wild beasties with Tatum and the team, we want to see them! Please feel free to caption your photograph and remember to include the hashtag #bosinvermoments.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page to see the announcements of the 7 other categories over the next fortnight.

The full list of 8 categories are: 

  • Wild Kids
  • Babies and toddlers at Bosinver (and don’t forget pregnant Mums!)
  • And relax…. (we’d love to see the ways that you relax at Bosinver)
  • Furry friends, holidaying at Bosinver with your dog
  • Celebrations at Bosinver
  • The seasons at Bosinver – spring, summer, autumn, winter
  • Favourite places to visit from Bosinver 
  • Family time/making memories at Bosinver

There will be a £50 voucher off a stay at Bosinver for the winner of each category with an overall winning entry prize of £150.

Entry to the competition closes on 15th January 2018 and winners will be chosen and notified during the w/c 22nd
January 2018.


Please email us your photos via with any caption and the category you wish to
enter – or post them on our Facebook page with the same information and the hashtag #bosinvermoments.
By entering you agree that we can use your photos on our website or via social media, so please ensure that anyone in the photos is also happy with this – click here for full terms and conditions.

Good luck!

If you would like to know more about booking a holiday here at Bosinver, please email or call 01726 72128.

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