If you haven’t done so already, spend a wonderful hour this weekend watching the wild birds who are spending time in your own garden!
The RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch is inviting us to arm ourselves with a pen and paper, to record the highest number of each bird species in your garden or local park at any one time, and to tell them what you see. To take part, record what’s happening for one hour during the 29th or 30th January and then forward your results through their site.
We’ve been out and about this morning and around our feeder at about 11am we spotted a chaffinch, blue tit (pictured here), sparrow, robin, tree creeper, long tailed tit, blackbird and a wagtail.
It reminds us of when we first met our special blackbird friend (pictured to the right here) which Farmer Dave noticed last Summer. She had a damaged wing and a limp. Dave has fed her every day and she has survived against all the odds!
Get started today! The RSPB have an ID sheet, which has useful illustrations to identify the birds in your garden and you can find lots more information on their website.
Why not start this weekend and then spend a regular hour throughout the year spotting and recording the birds in your garden, so that you get an idea of how things change throughout the year? You might even start to recognise some of your feathered friends, a bit like Sid and Nancy, the blackbirds we’ve been reading about in Kate Bradbury’s garden (see story by clicking here).
For lots more bird spotting activities, download the Woodland Trust Nature Detective‘s free Bird Pack here.
Enjoy the Big Garden Birdwatch! And for all our Farmer Dave club fans, we would love to see your photographs! Upload them on our Farmer Dave Fan Club Facebook Page!